Saturday, August 31, 2019

Pro Capital Punishment – Paper

One of the main reasons that people object to the death penalty In because of the fear that the wrong person could be convicted and put to death. Even though an innocent person could be wrongfully convicted, certain criminals should face the death penalty because It ensures the murderer can commit no more crime In the future and it Installs fear In other potential criminals. In July 2010 1 heard on Fox 21 News that three convicted murderers escaped from an Arizona prison, these murderers were facing fifteen years to life for their crimes.One of the three men was caught in Western Colorado two of the men still remain at large. This Is a really scary situation. Frightening enough people escape from prison, jail and half way homes more than people are aware of. C. Sullenness reported that the Bureau of Justice Statistics in 1 998 showed that 6,530 people escaped or were ALLOW from state prisons (2001 , Para. 2). Shown below is the prison population for two separate years and show the nu mber of Inmates that escaped or were ALLOW. (Sullenness, 2001 , Para. ) According to this research this, is not very many escapes and the reason that we don't hear about it is because not many of the escapes are as dramatic as movies and T. V shows make them seem. Although the statistics show that this number is not really high, It still proves that Inmates are capable of escaping and they do. For example the Texas Seven escaped from John Connelly unit in the year 2000 these men were highly dangerous and were looking at serving many years for their crimes, one of the men had ninety nine years to serve.Eventually all the men got recaptured thanks In large part to the popular TV show â€Å"Americas Most Wanted†, but It took more than a year. In that one year many people lived in fear, scared to go outside alone at eight. Innocent people should not have to live in that constant fear. Many innocent lives were put at risk including a security officer who lost his life when the men escaped. We shouldn't risk are families. If criminals found guilty of pre-meditated crimes are given the death penalty it would ensure that they don't escape and begin to kill again.Guarantying those citizens our kept safe from such violence. Capital punishment could do more than Just keep criminals off the street; it can also prevent crime. When someone Is put to death, due too serious crime they have committed In he society other potential criminals take It as a warning that such violence will not be tolerated and dissuades them from committing any crime worthy of the death 1 OFF penalty Research cone Day VIC Lee Inelastic Tanat â€Å"In ten mom to late number of executions stabilized, the murder rate increased.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Lethal Alleles

The physics concepts that were illustrated in our egg drop project were momentum and energy. In the project, we saw how momentum increases as a normal egg without anything to slow it down would crack. That was because the longer that the egg fell, the more momentum the egg gains. We also saw that by adding resistance during the fall, such as a plastic bag â€Å"parachute†, would slow down the egg enough so that It would not crack when It reached Impact with the ground.The other concept that was discussed was energy. We saw that before the egg Is dropped, It has a potential energy. The potential energy Is the amount of energy that can turn Into hysterical kinetic energy, which can be expended when the egg falls to the ground. The energy can leave the objects from the Impact of the fall (deformation of the object), sound waves, the Impact It has on the floor, or In the surroundings of the egg.In order for a project to be successful, the project would have to have parts that woul d help slow the energy that would surely break the egg without a protective barrier. If I were to do this project again, I would probably add more sponges tot the Inside sides of the construction paper basket and add little pen springs on the bottom of he basket. I would add more side sponges because when we did the actual dropping of the egg, I noticed that the whole basket fell to its side when it reached the ground.By adding more sponge, this would add more cushion to absorb the kinetic energy. I would add the little pen springs on the bottom of the basket so that the whole basket's impact could be absorbed, not only the egg being protected, but also the sponges. By adding these modifications, the egg may be able to withstand an even higher fall than a two story drop because of the extra cushions that would be able to absorb the energy.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Freytag Pyramid of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” by William Shakespeare Essay

Lysander and Hermia, Demetrius and Helena, Titania and Oberon, Pyramus and Thisbe 1) Exposition: Lysander and Demetrius both want Hermia’s hand in marriage – Lysander because of love, Demetrius because of the position and power it would afford. Demetrius wants to marry Hermia to gain her father’s favor, along with his power and position. Helena is in love with Demetrius, who will not give her a second look. Titania and Oberon are angry with each other, jealous over each other’s fascination with Theseus and Hippolyta respectively. Pyramus and Thisbe cannot be together and can only whisper through a wall. 2) Inciting Incident: Hermia’s father orders her to marry Demetrius or commit herself to a nunnery forever. Helena finds out Hermia and Lysander are running away. She tells Demetrius so he will forget about Hermia and give her a chance. Bottom and gang steal away into the wood to practice for the play. Oberon casts a spell on Titania that she would fall in love with the first thing she lays eyes on. Pyramus and Thisbe lovers agree to meet in the dark of night at Ninny’s tomb. 3) Rising Action: Hermia and Lysander plan to run away into the wood. Demetrius follows Hermia and Lysander into the wood to retrieve Hermia. Helena follows Demetrius into the wood desperate to make him love her. Bottom and gang steal away into the wood to practice for the play. The lion approaches and scares Thisbe, who runs off. 4) Climax: Oberon orders Puck, to put a love spell on Demetrius so that when he awakens he will fall in love with Helena. Puck mistakes Lysander for Demetrius and puts the spell on the wrong mortal, who subsequently falls in love with Helena. Puck attempts to rectify his mistake by putting the spell on the correct mortal, Demetrius, who instantly falls in love with Helena. Titania first sees Bottom and falls in love. Pyramus arrives to find Thisbe’s mantle torn and bloody. 5) Falling Action: The two men fight over Helena while Hermia watches in horror. Hermia and Helena begin to fight. Oberon begins to feel bad for the poor mortals he has cast his spells upon. Pyramus believes Thisbe is dead. 6) Resolution: Puck applies the remedy to Lysander’s eyes while he sleeps, returning his love to Hermia. The lovers awake, Lysander and Hermia in love and Demetrius and Helena in love (though not knowing exactly why). Oberon removes the spell from Titania, who draws back in horror at the sight of bottom next to her. Believing Thisbe to be dead, Pyramus stabs himself and dies. 7) Denouement: The four lovers come together with the consent of everyone and watch a play of a Romeo and Juliet-style love story. The lovers ponder the meaning of love through the tragedy of the play, the mystery of what happened in the wood looming over them. Shakespeare concludes with an epilogue by Puck, the wood fairy, apologizing for any offense for their play with the mortals. Titania and Oberon celebrate Theseus and Hippolyta’s marriage, finally happy with each other. Thisbe finds Pyramus dead and kills herself. The lovers are finally together in death.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Science Meets Real Life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Science Meets Real Life - Essay Example The scientific method is a process that gets used to form and test solutions to problems. It is gets used to create theories about how and why things work. It ought to reduce the influences of â€Å"faith† on the experimenter. This reduces bias or prejudice so as to make the process valid anywhere in the world. The scientific method presents us with two options. Working through the steps of the scientific problem and solving everyday problems with the scientific method. The scientific method can get used to solve any problem (Gauch, 2003). It follows five fundamental steps. They come in the following order; state the problem, research the problem, form a hypothesis, test the hypothesis and draw a conclusion from the data collected. These five key steps can get used to resolve problems that occur in everyday life. One should start by defining the problem. This is because a problem cannot be solved unless it gets understood first (Gauch, 2003). The problem is that the lights do not come on, and I need light to see around. The next thing I will do is to research the reason why the lights do not come on when I turn on the switch. I look at the possible reasons that can make the lights to no work. To solve the problem, I require a solution as to why the lights are not working. The possibilities are that; the power supply from the service provider is currently switched off so the problem is not within the house. The transformer that ensures power supply to my house may have blown up during the day due to overload. The switch that I may be used to put on the power may not be working. There might be a wiring problem. A tree may have fallen on the power line earlier and caused an interruption. This may also be a planned interruption that probably got announced on the news. After forming all my possibilities, I will proceed to eliminate the poor choices. The switch that I use to put the power on is a poor choice.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Methodologies and Methods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Methodologies and Methods - Essay Example Research design defined generally is the form or framework the experimenter uses to get the results of the study. There are many different kinds of research designs, both qualitative and quantitative, and flexible designs represent qualitative for the most part, whereas fixed designs represent quantitative type studies. There are also mixed designs. Quantitative research designs such as the one proposed for the current research serve the purpose of showing causal motivations, observing present conditions and longitudinal comparisons, and establishing relationships with evidence from a sample size that is generally large or, in some cases, deferred to a larger statistical research body (Robson, 2002). Qualitative The key theories behind qualitative research involve the development of research questions, rather than the formulation of absolutes through testable hypotheses. The research instrument is definitely qualitative in nature if it represents a standardized measurement test that is predetermined before the research has even taken place, through measurements taken in other studies using the same survey instrument. This is not the type of measurement tool that is necessarily malleable to researcher interaction with the survey group or the addition of new research questions as they come up, which also makes it a less strong methodology in terms of qualitative features. The qualitative approach is perhaps less appropriate for this research because the author is assumedly examining a survey group of more than twenty individuals, and needs a standardized sort of quantitative test to keep data collection simple. In the case of the research experiment, the qualitative study will seek to find common themes and areas of possibility for further study. The descriptive phase follows, in which the demographic and statistical information on the target population and target program emulations are determined in respective forms of their completeness and efficiency as repres entative statistics and program models. Quantitative Quantitative methods are suitable for studies into social issues, despite their scientific background and trappings, because they provide demonstrable measurements which can be attributed to larger populations. Even with a relatively small sample size, quantitative research can present results and findings in a way that is verifiable, reliable, and has a degree of repeatability. In other words, a small survey can be reused with a larger population. Overall there are many different facets of methodology that can be applied to an experimental design. This is a generalization that can be made about these different types of designs, which have their respective advantages and disadvantages. Surveys and experiments are examples of fixed research designs, which are more quantitative than qualitative and have more aspects of this type of theory. Quantitative studies such as the one outlined in the current report’s proposed methodol ogy tend to rely on hard data and statistics that can provide generalizable results about a population, whereas qualitative studies could be more of a case example or subjective viewpoint. As the extant literature states about the difference between fixed and flexible designs, â€Å"Flexible research designs are much more difficult to pin down than fixed designs. This is in part because it is only in recent

Multi-Channel Retailing Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Multi-Channel Retailing - Speech or Presentation Example The global retail operations of Costco can be primarily classified into four major segments such as: Discount and Variety Retail – Warehouse Clubs and Superstores 2. Grocery Retail 3. Gasoline Retailers and, 4. Online Retailing Source: (Costco Wholesale Corporation, 2012) Advantages Offered by Costco’s Each Distribution Channel The distribution facilities offered by Costco incorporate a large number of potential buyers from different demographic backgrounds that are segregated based on family or business, income-level, age and gender. According to the present revolutionary transformations in the retail format, customers are highly focused on purchasing goods through online or catalog shopping. Therefore, the distribution process of Costco highly utilizes the benefits provided by the online format in order to provide adequate support to each group of customers. The company, in this regard, is highly focused on targeting the customers within the age group of 18 to 45 year s who generally prefer to purchase goods through online retailing format (Costco Wholesale Corporation, 2012). In relation to the similar retailers such as Wal-Mart, the organization has been identified as one of the major competitor for Costco. However, the organization is more competent than its competitors regardless catalogue/online shopping or store retail operations. Differentiating Buying Process of the Customers In relation to the distribution process of products, the operational process of Costco incorporates an effective strategy that ensures to provide various advantages to the organization. Therefore, the major advantageous factors that Costco avail from its exceptional distribution channels including brick and mortar store and catalogue or e-commerce format are depicted hereunder: The ‘shopping in person’ customers of Costco generally tend to purchase their preferred products through a modest online or catalogue format. In this context, the steps of online or catalogue shopping have been discussed hereunder. Identifying Needs: Identifying needs of the products is the initial step where the in-person customers tend to recognize merchandise(s) in accordance with their taste and preference. Searching and Obtaining Information: In this step, the in person customers are focused on searching information about the online store or catalogue regarding the availability, buying terms and condition, payment option and shipping facility among others. Evaluating and Selecting Retailers/Channels: After obtaining information about online/catalogue, the customers evaluate and select appropriate retailer or distribution channel. Visiting Online Shopping Website/ Catalogue: Visiting online shopping website/catalogue is the final step customers wherein the in person customers purchase their preferred or desired products via complying each term and condition of the retailer. In the due course of time, after a consumer starts to continuously visit an onlin e website for purchase his/her loyalty towards the retailer increases. Source: (Costco Wholesale Corporation, 2012) Retail Strategy: Focusing on Retail-Mix Elements Location: Location can be considered as one of the primary elements for any retail organization to efficiently perform its various distributional activities. In the context of the

Monday, August 26, 2019

Change Management and Physical Restructuring of the Irish Defence Essay

Change Management and Physical Restructuring of the Irish Defence Forces - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that the Irish Defence Forces are the armed services of the Irish Military. It consists of Naval Services, the Air Corps, the Army (covering ground and air operations), and the Reserve Defence Forces are made of part-time military members. Commissioned officers in the Defence Forces are granted their commissions by the President of Ireland, with supplementary decision-making and presidential representation occurring through the Irish Minister of Defence. It is the responsibility of the Defence Forces to secure the state against foreign and domestic threats, prepare the state for terrorist and non-terrorist armed military threats, ensure peace-keeping in the country, and provide humanitarian relief efforts coordinated with support from the United Nations. Domestic non-combat activities include policing of fisheries, bomb disposal, and stabilizing chemical threats. In 2009, the Irish Defence Forces began to over-run its allotted budget for op erations, which had been set at â‚ ¬688 million.   This situation called for a restructuring of the Irish Defence Forces since the government could not afford another budgetary increase to secure effective and productive operations. This restructuring involved labor reduction of key services including barrack, condensed tangible resource allocation to the Forces, and redeployment of posted service persons to undertake front-line operational roles.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Crime after crime Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Crime after crime - Essay Example 106-109). She is just but an ordinary woman who got roped in by being in the wrong place at the wrong time. She was denied her right to a fair trial, and was put behind bars as a result of flaws within criminal justice system and prosecutions. The film deciphers an intersectional Deborah, with her multiple identities and their disadvantages (Intersectionality: A Tool for Gender and Economic Justice, 2004, pp. 1-2). When she was finally released after her case was reopened, she had already lost precious twenty years of her life, whereas had the legal system been just, she would have had to spend only six years in jail. The misunderstandings and misconceptions that clouded her case finally got public after the release of this documentary feature film. The film had not only invoked protests and discontent all across USA, but has also bagged a number of prestigious awards at Spokane, Milan and Berkshire International Film Festival, National Board of Review, Atlanta and Rochester Film Fes tivals, and Golden Gate Award. Deborah Paeglar, the protagonist of Yoav Potash’s Crime After Crime, was a regular normal teenager till she met Oliver Wilson. Teenager Debbie bumped into him and instantly got attracted. In spite of being a teenage mother already having a daughter, she entered into a relationship with Oliver and even bore a baby, a daughter again. However, soon things took a different turn. Peace, harmony and love soon ended in her new life with Oliver. She came to know that Oliver was a pimp. When she was asked for the same, she refused. In return she received severe beatings with a bullwhip at a tender age of 15. Year after year Oliver made her work as a prostitute. At the same time she was subjected to fierce domestic violence. Mentally and physically, she became a shattered person. Her tolerance and patience came to an end when Oliver molested her six- year old daughter. She tried to flee with her two daughters but she was unable to do so. She got beatings on a regular basis. Things got even worse when Oliver got involved into a firearm case and had to spend a night in jail. This made Deborah’s mother much worried for her daughter’s safety. She planned to seek help from some local gang members in order to teach Oliver a lesson. Her motif was to reconcile the differences between Deborah and Oliver. But in the brawl, the two gang members ended up murdering Oliver. Due to this Deborah found herself facing a row of criminal charges. In the meantime she had come across a life- insurance policy. This further worsened her strand. Series of trials and prosecutions went on and she was finally convicted in 1983. She fought her legal battle with the help of two pro- bono attorneys, Nadia Costa and Joshua Safran, and was finally set free. Deborah Peaglar, the African- American woman, had to face the pains rewarded by the toughest anticrime legislation, the Californian law. Women, like men, were treated harshly and were given equal p unishments as men. They were tied in chains, put in boot camps and had to face all types of physical violence (Aday, 2003, pp. 125-127). They were given little chance to present petitions or appeal for defense. Thus fighting legal battles become more and more difficult for battered women like Deborah. Also, her not being ‘white’ further delayed the legal proceedings. Often the prisoners are identified on basis of their â€Å"sex, race, sexual orientation, gender, religion, class, age and ability†

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Peer Review Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Peer Review - Article Example The writer mentioned several cases and even discussed three cases in detail where the person or a NP had to face legal actions afterwards after they tried to act as Good Samaritans. The methodology was not complex in this case because most of the specific data was reviewed and taken from cases in courts and articles published. Writer even went on to mention several suggestive measures for NP in specific and other medical professionals in general about the way they should act in case there is any emergency. The conclusion is very well supported by the case, writer has established. There is a definite confusion and synchronization among various states about this law so it is very important for a NP to act according to the law of the state she is working on. Moreover, the writer also stresses the need of stronger and better legislation among states so that NPs are not hesitant to act when they see any emergency situation. This would reduce morbidity and mortality and even provide NPs a chance to render their services for the goodwill of people. This law is not applicable in United State but has also been adopted in a slight different form by other countries as mentioned by the writer. This topic is very important for future consideration of nursing because it can relate to their life and presents a problem that any nurse can face even outside work environment. These discussions would help a nurse to make her decision in such a situation as per the laws of the state she is working in. This is a life saving procedure but involves some legal problems that can occur in some of the cases (Tumolo, J. 2002). This is one field that has a lot of scope for future research on the same lines. More studies and analysis of various cases would even highlight the issue which would help in proper law making in different states. Nurses should also be encouraged through research and publication not to hesitate when it is about

Friday, August 23, 2019

MGT wk9 ASSIGNMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

MGT wk9 ASSIGNMENT - Essay Example Supervision can be described as the first level of management in the firm and is frequently apprehensive with inspiration of members of a work unit so that they can contribute positively towards triumph of the goals and objectives set by the firm (Rue & Byars, 2006). It means that the supervisor does not only do the operative work but sees that the duties assigned to the members have been accomplished through the efforts of others. This paper evaluates two best practices principles for the six different supervisory responsibilities. I hope that my contribution will help the new supervisors in our company. The drive of a best practice manual for supervisors is to make available reference guideline for new supervisors. As a reference, this handbook could help as a training aid for management and supervisors as a resource for routine assessments of employees. The handbook contains a synopsis of the best practices to use for the following supervisory accountabilities. This includes demonstrating communication skills, determining effective orientation, and training methods, improving productivity for teams, conducting performance appraisals, resolving conflict, and improving employee relations (Rue & Byars, 2006). This is the most important tool that a leader, manager, or a supervisor uses in dispensing duties. The supervisor should always be positive, enthusiastic and demonstrate open communications with the staff members. This will motivate the members and keep them engaged in the dispensing of their work duties. Motivated workers will then be instrumental in helping the organization achieve its objectives. In addition, the supervisor will then build trust through open and honest communication. To become a supervisor, listening, and speaking skills will be vital to effective communication. This is because they are important in team building and providing effective feedback during the performance appraisal evaluations. In addition,

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Renaissance & Erasmus Essay Example for Free

The Renaissance Erasmus Essay The Renaissance was a period of great change, characterized by a revision of many concepts and the birth of many ideas. One of the greatest scholars of this time was Desiderius Erasmus. He was born in Rotterdam, Holland. His birth name was Gerrit . He attended the school of the Brothers of the Common Life at Deventer after which he joined a monastery, the Augustinian college of Stein near Gouda where he stayed for six years. He was ordained to the Catholic priesthood at Steyn at about the age of 25, but he did not last in the priesthood for long. Later, he became a personal secretary of the Bishop of Cambrai. His experience working for the church made him aware of the many evils that plagued it. He was a great critic of the church and its leaders before and during the reformation. It has been said by many that Erasmus was one of the few humanists who left a lasting mark in the history of human kind. His fearless criticism of the manner in which the church handled various issues prepared people for the subsequent work of another humanist and reformist, Martin Luther. Erasmus was a traveler. He lived in many places in Europe at different times. He had lived in Rome, Paris, England, and many other European countries. He was also a theology scholar and a writer. He published the Greek version of the New Testament in Latin, so that Europeans could read it. Thesis Statement This paper examines the humanist actions of Erasmus and his contribution to the history of the Christian faith. Literature Review As a great humanist in the 1500s, Erasmus wrote many books which were widely read all across. His ideas and criticism of the Church was therefore heard throughout Europe. He preferred reasoning to bloodshed, unlike many others of his time. While he did not criticize the Church as much as Luther had, he did call for an end to the corruption and a great many other evils which had seeped to the core of the Church. Erasmus was a renowned writer of his time. One of his greatest works include ed The Praise of Folly, a satire which pointed out major problems in the clergy, depicting monks as beggars, the clergy as being greedy. He also made reference to the pope saying that he had no resemblance to the apostles. He also wrote a short satirical skit in which Pope Julius II had trouble getting into heaven. This kind of writing earned him considerable hostility in the church, but then, this kind of courage also helped the church. Some of the subjects he attacked were superstitious religious practices and the vanity of Church leaders. One such superstition was the sale of Indulgences by the Church, which its leaders sold in order to raise money for building projects. Indulgences were supposed to reduce the time a sinner would spend in purgatory. Erasmus felt that this was an abuse of priestly power. He was against the idea of people praying to the Saints instead of God, because he recognized that salvation came only through Christ. His goal was to promote basic Christian values. Erasmus was accused of being only a specialist in grammar and rhetorician, not a theologian, and some modern scholars have shared that same sentiment. Recent scholarship has been more agreeable to the view that Erasmus was in some sense a theologian even if not a systematic one. Erasmus was, to be sure, a rhetorician, but one whose rhetoric was â€Å"in service of his theology and whose rhetorical theology thus reveals some truths that would otherwise remain hidden†. Erasmus is known today as a great 16th century pacifist. He used his gift of writing to preach peace. He felt that war was senseless since it only caused destruction and death. He rebuked those who engaged in war he saying that they had no greater morality than beasts. According to Kreis, Erasmus stands as the ‘supreme type of cultivated common sense applied to human affairs’. He rescued theology from the lack of creativity of the schoolmen, exposed the abuses of the Church, and did more than any other single person to advance the revival of learning’. In the sixteenth century when literature was used to conceal the truth about a number of issues, Erasmus admired and despised by both Catholics and Protestants, by both liberals and radicals; but according to theological scholar, Abraham Friesen the theological views of Erasmus can today reconcile Evangelical and liberal Christians. Methodology I collected my information through book and article research, most of which came from the internet. I also interviewed two theologians on what they thought about Erasmus. Data Analysis The data I gathered was mostly from books and articles. I found out that Erasmus work elicited a lot of ill-feeling among Christians during the reformation, with many clergy accusing him of pioneering the reformation that led to the split of the church. However some scholars point out that the church began appreciating the work of Erasmus later in his life. One of the people I interviewed said that although Erasmus was much hated for his criticisms against the church, his work proved to be beneficial to the Christian faith, in that he was able and courageous enough to pinpoint the evils in the church. Thus, he gave the church a reason to examine and reform itself. Results The method of data collection was limited to book research and interviews. These were not enough to prepare a comprehensive and detailed research. I also faced some difficulties finding interviewees who were conversant with the life and works of Erasmus. Discussion A lot of scholars agree that Erasmus actually was for rather than against the church. He was a fierce critic of both the liberal and radical wings of the church. He spoke against anything that to him appeared to be against Biblical teachings. He was alienated from both sides of the church, though the same people who had earlier alienated him later sought him out. His courage and relentlessness bore fruit. The church began to examine itself in light with what Erasmus and other critics of the time had talked about. The role that Erasmus played in the 16th century reformation cannot be downplayed. Midmore contends that Erasmus sought peace and unity if necessary by compromise, and he also promoted the corporate rather than the individual renewal of the church. Conclusion The debate on what Erasmus did or did not do will undoubtedly rage on for a long time to come. However form what I have gathered in this research, it is clear that he left an indelible mark in the history of the church. He was a fearless critic of the abuses in the Catholic Church, even before the reformation. He might not have been in most people’s good books, but he his work served as a form of checks and balances against the excesses of the church. That is why he will forever be remembered as the man who laid the egg of reformation, though he did not hatch it– Martin Luther did, as the 16th century aphorism goes. Bibliography Biography of Historical Figures [database on-line]. Available from studyworld. com Friesen, Abraham. Erasmus, the Anabaptists, and the Great Commission. (Grand Rapids and Cambridge: Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1998). Midmore Brian. The reformation – Erasmus and Luther. (2000) [database on-line]. Available from ‘A Passion for Grace and Faith’ website. Rummel, Erika. Erasmus (New York: Continuum International Publishing Group, 2004)

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Assessment and grading criteria Essay Example for Free

Assessment and grading criteria Essay Unit 1 – Fundamentals of Science Assessment and grading criteria To achieve a pass grade the evidence must show that the learner is able to: To achieve a merit grade the evidence must show that, in addition to the pass criteria, the learner is able to: To achieve a distinction grade the evidence must show that, in addition to the pass and merit criteria, the learner is able to: P1 outline the key features of the periodic table, atomic structure and chemical bonding M1brelate the key features of the periodic table to the conclusions drawn from the practical activities D1vexplain how standard solutions and titrations are prepared in industry P2vdemonstrate practically the ability to prepare chemical solutions and test their accuracy see more:analyse factors that contribute to the wellbeing of individuals Scenario: You are working as a scientist for ‘Edvisprog’ – a company producing visual aids for education. The team is currently working on a web-based program to help students understand the key features of the periodic table and information to guide students to help the teaching and understanding of the use of titrations. You have to produce word documents or powerpoint presentations that will provide the information for the web-based software. Remember: During this (and other assignments) credit cannot be given for a diagram  copied from the internet unless, (1) It is referenced and (2) You have interpreted the diagram in some way, for example, added your own labels or further described the concept conveyed in the diagram. Task 1 – Chemical Bonding and the Periodic Table In this task you have to describe atomic structure, outline the key features of the periodic table and describe chemical bonding Draw a diagram of a Calcium atom, label the key components of the atom. P1i The periodic table contains over 100 different elements in a specific order. Describe how the atoms in the periodic table are arranged. You will need to make reference to (a) groups, (b) periods, (c) metals and non-metals, (d) solids/liquids/gases. Choose three different elements and explain why each is in a particular group / period P1ii Ionic, covalent and hydrogen are the three main types of chemical bonding. Draw a series of diagrams, with explanations to outline the process involved in each type. P1iii Task 2 – Volumetric Analysis This task will require you to make a ‘Standard Solution’, this is a solution of known strength. You will make a solution of sodium carbonate. The strength of sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) is usually measured in moles. A one molar (1M) solution means one mole of substance (solute) per litre of solution. A mole is the molecular mass of a substance in grams. To calculate the molecular mass, the atomic masses of all the atoms in the molecule need to be added together. For example, the sodium carbonate molecule consists of one atom each of sodium (Na), carbon (C), and oxygen (O). Their respective atomic weights are: Na 23,C 12 and O 16, so the molecular weight, is 23 + 23+ 12 + 16 + 16 + 16 = 106. Thus 106 grams of Na2CO3 equals one mole of Na2CO3, and a 1 molar solution of Na2CO3will contain 106 grams of Na2CO3chemical, per litre of water. Using all the safety measures required, make a ‘Standard Solution’ of sodium carbonate. It can be any strength you like (within reason!) but you must know the strength exactly. This part of the task will be assessed by the teacher. P2i You will now use your standard solution to calculate the strength of a sample of HCl (Hydrochloric Acid). Procedure†¦ 1. Rinse all equipment with distilled water 2. Using a pipette add 25 cm3 of Na2CO3 to a conical flask 3. Add 3 or 4 drops of phenolphthalein. The solution will turn pink. 4. Fill the burette with Hydrochloric acid. 5. Add acid to the alkali, note how much acid is needed to neutralise the sodium carbonate, the solution will turn clear (to the nearest 1cm3) 6. Repeat the experiment a further three times, this time being accurate to 0.1 cm3 7. Take the average of the acid needed (from the three experiments in the previous step). P2ii Calculate the strength of the acid using the following information†¦ Na2CO3 + HCl ïÆ'   NaHCO3 + NaCl At equilibrium: Moles of Na2CO3 = Moles of HCl (as they react in a 1:1 ratio) Molarity of HCl (moles per litre) x Volume of HCl (litres) = Molarity of Na2CO3 (moles per litre) x Volume of Na2CO3 (litres) Molarity of HCl (moles per litre) = Molarity of Na2CO3 (moles per litre) x Volume of Na2CO3 (litres or ml) Volume of HCl (litres or ml) P2iii M1i Task 3 – Further Calculations This task requires you to further understand and describe the molecular changes from the previous experiment. The experiment reacted Na2CO3 with HCl to make NaCl and H2O. 1. Explain what makes HCl an acid/ 2. Explain what makes Na2CO3 an alkali, when dissolved in water? The diagram of Sodium carbonate may help you to explain this 3. Why does the hydrogen (H) form a positive ion in a hydrochloric acid solution? 4. When acids and alkalis react they form a salt, explain why a salt (in this case NaCl) is a very stable compound? 5. Explain why Sodium is in group 1, period 3 and Chlorine is in group 7, period 3. M1ii Explain in detail how you prepared your base solution, including the calculations. D1i Task 4 – Titrations in Industry Standard solutions are used in the chemical industry to measure and check the strength of chemicals. One particular example is the conversion of WVO (waste vegetable oil) into biofuel for diesel engines. The pH of WVO needs to be altered so it is approximately 8.5, which is the same as normal diesel. Explain how the pH of WVO is measured in an industrial setting and why the pH must be accurately determined. The following websites may be useful: D1ii Edexcel Level 3 BTEC Nationals in Applied Science (Forensic Science)Name†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Unit 01 – Fundamentals of Science Assignment 01-01, Volumetric Analysis Unit 1 – Fundamentals of Science Assessment and grading criteria  To achieve a pass grade the evidence must show that the learner is able to: To achieve a merit grade the evidence must show that, in addition to the  pass criteria, the learner is able to: To achieve a distinction grade the evidence must show that, in addition to the pass and merit criteria, the learner is able to: P1 outline the key features of the periodic table, atomic structure and chemical bonding M1  relate the key features of the periodic table to the conclusions drawn from the practical activities D1  explain how standard solutions and titrations are prepared in industry P2  demonstrate practically the ability to prepare chemical solutions and test their accuracy Marking Grid: Task 1 – Chemical Bonding and the Periodic Table P1i Labelled diagram of atom Yes / No P1ii Key features of periodic table Yes / No P1iii Key features of chemical bonding Yes / No Feedback: Task 2 – Volumetric Analysis P2i Experiment conducted safely Yes / No P2ii Basic results from experiment obtained Yes / No P2iii/M1i Molarity of HCl calculated Yes / No Feedback: Task 3 – Further Calculations M1ii Questions answered about acids, bases and the periodic table Yes / No D1i Explained how standard solution was made, including calculations Yes / No Feedback: Task 4 – Titrations in Industry D1ii Describe the titration of WVO and the subsequent implications Yes / No Feedback: Criteria Awarded: P1 P2 M1 D1 Date: Student Response to Feedback:Date: †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 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Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) Uses and Properties

Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) Uses and Properties CFRP: carbon fiber reinforced polymer Urvish Gajjar In the end of 1800s first time Edison used the carbon fiber in the electricity bulb. CFRP- carbon fiber reinforced polymer is a one type of the carbon fiber. Edison used the fiber into the filament of bulb but he was unsuccessful because his fiber produced by carbonization of cellulose stand such as cotton or from bamboo. Because of the not specific design and not specified properties his fiber was failed. Then after that time the research was start on fiber and in the middle of the 19th century carbon fiber used in insulation or in high temperature furnaces and in the industries like chemical plants and mechanical plant where we need some strength material. Before end of 19th century the increment shows in the carbon fiber field when the manufacturing process developed very well and allows for high modulus and high powerful fiber the reinforced process apply to the fiber and then they find the new type of carbon fiber which is CFRP. In Japan, first time work done in the CFRP field by 3 scientist of Japanese bureau of industrial technology. They were using poly acrylonitrile – PAN in the base material to manufacture carbon fiber this fiber had a high degree of molecular orientation. Then from that days the improvement is in process and now a days we can use PAN is major material in common use. The high stiffness and strength properties and low mass of CFRP have lead to more use in the aircraft and other industries. In 1977 CFRP use as skins in the aircraft. It was used in the vertical fin box and leading edge in the F-16 air force aircraft. CFRP has a very different properties one of its property is a very low co-efficient of thermal expansion that’s way it can used in space air craft because space aircraft has been work in the galaxy and there the temperature is between -110c to90c. Then in the 1980 CFRP was taken as reinforcement to strong then concrete beams then they people use carbon fiber poly mer in reinforced process and got the CFRP. So that’s a short past about the carbon fiber reinforced polymer In the synthesis or in making of the structure of CFRP in this composite more than two materials can be use so in the first step one material can be take as a basic or supporting matrix and at that time the second material build a structure on that base and reinforced the the hall material . this process is a very complex and costly .this hall process can be work under the certain temperature and pressure . After this process an epoxy can be filled out on the base material and make a hard and strong material then after the material cooled out . the mixture can produce by fiber of the different material in the main matrix. This way we can produce the CFRP from the carbon fiber. Fig 1. CFRP bond view In the Fig 1 we can see the large view from the gap of the two layer and how to build the layer of the polymer. In the aircraft the part of the aircraft need a strong tensile strength and the need the material which can not react on the environmental condition. So CFRP satisfy all this condition so it can be easily used in the aircraft industries for making the wings, tail of the aircraft For aircraft most important is the properties of the material which is used in manufacturing of aircraft because if the material has not sufficient properties related to aircraft it can be fail in future . CFRP is a one type of composite material. So it has a mixture of the two material so, it has two different kind of properties of two different material. CFRP has two part one is matrix and another is reinforcement. Second part is fiber so they give a high strength and first one is polymer which give a rigidity.In that because of carbon fiber CFRP has a high modulus of elasticity. And also have a low density, high tensile strength and last one is most important which low chemical reaction which is most useful properties for aircraft material. Fiber has a many different type of composite material but CFRP is a special one because it has a many positive properti9esw and many advantage given composite material the start with it’s advantage CFRP is a very strong material but with the extremely light weight it has been used in internal part of aero plane and car’s structure. The good thing about the CFRP is it has a high strength, rigidity, resistanc3e and low corrosion. so that’s way it is use in various important structure component. There are in composite material other material also have a good properties but CFRP is manufacture in specific condition so because of that reason CFRP has a good properties then other composite material .especially in field of aviation and space lights. This reinforced polymer s are the incredible potential see on other benefits of this material is that it is a low thermal expansion so it cannot more contract orexpand in such a different thermal condition. CFRP is a less corrosion properties because when the material manufacture with the specific resins, carbon fiber is used ant this one is a most corrosion resistance material so it is a less corrosive. We see the different advantage of CFRP is durability, radiolucency, electrical conductivity and ultra-violate resistance. CF is transparent to radian and invisible in X- rays so CFRP is radiolucency. Every material has a benefits and a drawback. CFRP also have some disadvantages. This material is very costly and its structure is very complicated and complex. It is a creep, low flexibility and brittleness material. In its disadvantage one of the major is that in the manufacturing time if there some mistake happen or process run improperly themn the hall material is useless and we can not use that material any more. So in it’s production time have to very carefull and we need special skilled worker. CFRP’s uses are increase day by day because now a days people need a reliable and easy accessable products. CFRP is a l0ow weight and good properties so people used this composite material in different field . In aerospace industries there are highest use of this material In past first aircraft made by composite material in that almost half percent material is CFRP. Then the branded car rolls-royce also use this material in that cars and bow a days in automotive, civil that’s all engineering field increase the use of the CFRP. If we see the different field like a sports , music and kitchen thaqt’s goods are make from the CFRP. In in future in this world mostly products are make from the carbon fiber. Second, in medical field dentist use the machine for operation that’s all are made from carbon fiber. So, we see small part of machine to Hugh aircraft all where we use this material. Fig. 2 composite material used in aircraft If we see from environment engineering site, the nature is give a high thinking and attention from today’s community. This is right for composite material as well. As we see ahead , that composite material is a light weight and high strength, that’s affect the environmental but it is low compare to real material like steel. Yes some time if we make a wrong composition for material that time its affect the nature .polymer is only affect by it’s pollution not other way. So, at last, CFRP is a good composite material if we use it perfectly References History of carbon fiber Sarah Lynn Orton. Development of CFRP system UMI Ann Arbor, USA September 2007 Dr. Joseph Kuruvilla , â€Å"CFRP composite-preparation , properties and app† , Wiley-Vch verlag Co. , March 2012 Hinton M.J, â€Å" Failure Criteria in Fibre-Reinforced-Polymer Composites: The World-Wide Failure Exercise† journal , online published on 2004. 1

Trento and Vicenza Essays -- Geography Geographical Papers

Trento and Vicenza ?The city of Trento (population 101,000) is located in the province of Trento.? The provinces of Trento and Bolzano come together form Trentino-Alto Adige.? Trentino-Alto Adige is the mountain territory of the upper Adige Valley and South Tyrol.? It is within this region that the majority of the Italian Mountains are found.? The area is known for its great scenic beauty.? The City of Trento sits in the valley of the River Adige and lies in the shadow of Monte Bondone.? Monte Bondone is known for its beautiful alpine flora.? Many herbs are collected from the Monte and are used for medicinal proposes throughout the country.? Lago di Toblino is located 16km west of the city.? Lago di Toblino is a beautiful lake that is overlooked by a medieval castle.? There are numerous summer and winter resort areas.? It is very easy the see that there is natural beauty in Trento, but that is not all Trento is known for.? Trento is rich in history as well. ?In its origins there are traces of Celtic influence in Trento but during the 1st century Romans had complete control of the town politically and culturally.? During the Middle Ages Trento found its significance in the fact that it was the geographical link between Germany and Italy.? Trento was an episcopal fief from 1027 until 1802 due initially to an invasion by the Goths, Lombards and Franks.? In the 16th century the city gained prominence under the direction of Bishop Bernardo Clesio and Bishop Cristoforo Madruzzo.? While Bishop Madruzzo was presiding Trento served as the meeting place for the Council of Trent.? ?The council of Trent took place between 1545 and 1563.? It marks one of the most significant turning points in the Catholic Church.? The Council was f... ...he theater still hosts theatrical and musical events.? ?The most significant religious building is the Santa Corona.? The Santa Corona was built in the 13thcentury.? It is known for two altarpieces, Paolo Veronese?s, Adoration of the Magi and Giovanni Bellini?s Baptism of Christ.? The church was named after a thorn of the crown of Christ, given by St Louis of France.? This relic can only be seen on Good Friday.? ?The cities of Trento and Vicenza are rich in history, culture, and scenery.? They will make great stops for our travel adventures.? References Blanchard, Paul.? Northern Italy, From the Alps to Bologna.? A&C Black.? New York: 2001. Rogers, Jay. Chalcedon Articles, The council of Trent. _Trent.html Simon, Kate. Italy, The Places in Between.? Barnes & Noble Inc. New York: 1984

Monday, August 19, 2019

Cultural diversity :: essays research papers fc

Many people are affected by cultural differences, but if one tries to break the barriers, the attempt is usually received with open arms and graciously. I remember when preparing for my trip to Germany friends asked why I chose Germany. I responded with â€Å"why not?† Then I was confronted with reasoning like â€Å"look what happened in World War II, you do not know their language,† and my favorite, â€Å"all there are is Nazi people over there.† I looked at them for a second then replied with something to the affect that I have always had a fascination with World War II and especially Adolf Hitler and Germany. It is true that I do not know the language, but English is becoming more and more a universally recognized language, and while it is true there are Nazi types of people there, I’m sure there is an equal amount of â€Å"hate† right here in the United States. While this is interesting, it so far simply doesn’t respond to the assignment , which is to respond to an essay from Language Awareness. You need to make clear from the start what essay you’re responding to. Not deterred by other’s comments, I set off for Germany in November of 2002. This was post 9/11 so I was a bit nervous. The first jaunt was from Cleveland to Toronto where I had my first encounter with traveling outside the United States. Toronto has many Muslim people. As I approached the security gate to get into the area where I was to board the plane, I noticed a Muslim man yelling in Arabic or some other Middle Eastern language to someone across the security gate. By yelling, I mean angrily and forcibly. Being that this was my first international trip and only my 2nd airplane ride in my life, I was already nervous to begin with. Add the fact that it was post 9/11, I was nervous as hell. I thought to myself, â€Å"Did World War III break out in the hour that I was in the air to Toronto?† Then I realized that just maybe the person was upset about having to unbuckle his belt or something trying to get through the gate. I landed safe and sound in Frankfurt which has the largest airport in at least Europe. This is where I had my first cultural shock. I knew I had less than

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Kansas City Board of Trade :: essays papers

Kansas City Board of Trade The Kansas City Board of Trade is where buyers and sellers have the opportunity to trade commodities, this is commonly known as a Commodity Exchange. The Kansas City Board of Trade deals primarily with wheat but also deals with such commodities as natural gas. Many traders participate in what is known as hedging. Hedging is a process where traders can lock in a purchase or a sell price for the commodities in advance. The process is helps reduce the risks resulting from volatile pricing, The prices of the contracts are determined by supply and demand. The exchange provides a place where sellers try to optimize profits and buyers try to optimize utility(which will probably be profits for a finished good instead of the raw material). As a result of this the exchange does not set prices but instead gives a place for price negotiations. As a result of supply and demand; if there is more buyers than sellers the price of a commodity goes up. The opposite is also true if there are more sellers than buyers the price of the commodity goes down. The Kansas City Board of Trade affects everybody in an economic part of their life. Wheat, as the primary commodity, is used on almost every dinner table for almost every night, If the price of wheat goes up then the price to purchase the finished product also goes up. This will affect the purchasers' ability to rationalize and choose substitutes and replacements for the products. If the price of the commodity goes down, the result is the finished good is also cheaper to purchase. Families will then attempt to incorporate more bread and such into their diets possibly affecting demand for other products. The Kansas City Board of Trade is beneficial to the economy because it gives a starting point for price in the economy, My visit to the Kansas City Board of Trade proved very interesting. Although I personally saw no order of any kind to the chaos below, people ensured me there was a code.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Immanuel Kant: Duty and Reason Essay

The action of an individual is said to depend on lots of factors. The value of these actions is weighed based on the different point of views of humans. Immanuel Kant, a philosopher, classifies the moral worth of an action through the use of two concepts; duty and reason. Acting based on duty and reason can be better understand by looking at these cases from Kant’s point of view and by means of thoroughly analyzing the arguments presented to consider an acts moral worth. Considering the case that a husband loves his wife because he loves her such that he has an inclination to be faithful to her, Kant’s view for this example will be that this case has no moral worth. For Kant, the foundation of morality is duty. The factor that causes human to be moral beings is their duty and the factor to be considered in determining the moral of an act is the persons will to follow his duty. (www. ipf. edu, n. d. ) On the other hand, a husband’s act to remain loyal to his wife as a matter of duty, although he finds it decidedly unpleasant will be considered by Kant to have a moral worth. A moral action has a moral worth not because of the effect of the action itself but because of the value that the action done according to duty that was set by the society. (Abbott, 1907) For Kant, the fact that the action is done only for duty alone is in itself makes the action to contain a moral worth. (Herman, 1981) It refers mainly to duty being implemented through the law that makes an action of moral worth. (www. philosophypages. com, n. d. ) The moral worth of both cases can be better understood through differentiating acting in accordance with duty and acting from duty. Acting in accordance with duty has no moral worth since it is just an act that conforms to duty as guided by self-interest. Acting from duty, on the other hand, is an act that is done because the duty is requiring it. It means that actions will only have a moral worth if they are performed from duty while those actions that are taken as caused by self-interest that accords with duty for whatever reason, have no moral worth. In the example of a husband that loves his wife due to two reasons, we can say that the first case, which is loving the wife because the husband has an inclination to love her is considered by Kant to be of no moral worth since the husband does not love his wife from duty. He just loves the wife because it is his self-interest that motivates him to love her. In that way, he loves according to self-interest that just so happen to be in accord with loving from duty. Thus, he is loving his wife in accordance with duty and is thus it has no moral worth. For the second example of loving which is loving his wife because it is his duty as a husband even if he finds it unpleasant, this act has moral worth for Kant because the act is done out of the need to follow duty. The husband loves his wife because it should be his action towards his wife as it is set by the laws and rule of the society. Even if he will not gain self-pleasure from it, he is still doing it because it is his duty as husband to love his wife. Thus, he is acting from duty and his act contains moral worth for Kant. Upon understanding Kant’s philosophy, I can say that he has a good point on why he believed that the moral worth of an act is based on the duty that forces a person to commit such act. The good thing about his account of moral worth is that an act can be considered to have a moral worth if that is done without self-interest but is done only as dictated by duty. His philosophy is good in a sense because it can assess the moral worth of a person in terms of the responsibility that he should carry and not only acting as a result of his own decision in order to gain pleasure from it. However, I disagree with him. I believe that if an act is done whether for the sake of following your duty or the laws implemented by the society as based from their reasoning, an act can still have a moral worth depending also on its effect on the society. For me, I think that what Kant is trying to say is that the moral worth in different cases that we have to make a decision or an act lies on the will to follow the duty itself. It only means that the one of moral worth is the ability to follow duties or the rules and not the act itself. If we are doing something even if we can just derived pleasure or get something out of it, as long as we don’t step on the rights of others and can contribute to our society, our acts can still have moral worth. In line with this, I can say that acting from duty is morally right as well as acting according to duty as long as our interests do not conflict with the violation of the rights of another people. I think that pursuing self-interest that will lead to the good of other people, as in the case of Mother Teresa, is morally worth. The self-interest in that sense does not conflict with the violation of the rights of others, but instead, it leads to the good of the needy. Hence, it still has its moral worth. For example, a lifeguard is saving the lives of drowning people, even if he doesn’t want too and what he is doing is just a burden for him has a moral worth. Also, a lifeguard that is saving the lives of drowning people and expecting in return that he will receive a word of thank you from the people that he saved still has a moral worth. This is because, I think, that no matter what motivates you to do an act as long as it can help others and does not bypass human rights, that act has a moral worth. In the case of a lifeguard, saving people as caused by duty and saving people as caused by an expectation to receive a word of thanks are both morally correct. It is because the fact that the lifeguard has saved a life no matter what is the reason that makes me considered it to have a moral worth. I also believe that morality is subjective depending on a person’s bringing up, culture, experiences and way of thinking. One act can be of moral value to a person but for some, may be the same act has little or no moral worth at all. That is, morality lies on each one of us and that the effect that it can make to ourselves and especially to our society will greatly dictates its moral worth. Different societies may evaluate the same act to have a different moral worth. A way to explain this is by looking at the case of Eskimos. For Eskimos, offering their wives to have sex with a guest is a polite action as a way of entertaining a visitor. In their way, their act has a moral worth because they are acting from duty. However, if a wife from other country will ask his husband that she wants to have sex with their guest as a way of entertaining the guest, the action is resulting from self-interest and not from duty that is dictated by the culture. Thus, it does not have a moral worth. This explains that the value of moral worth is subjective to culture, and to the specific society itself. Thus, in conclusion, I can say that the first case of loving a wife that was mentioned, which is loving as motivated by inclination, has moral worth because he is still doing his responsibility or duty even if he really wants to do it as directed by his emotion. The second case, which is loving because that is dictated by duty, also contains a moral value, although lesser than the first one. For me, it’s moral worth is less than the first because he is not loving his wife whole heartedly but only loving her because he is required by his duty. I think that in general, Kant’s theory is good but is lacking in a certain aspect that greatly affects the action of human, which is emotions. This is because aside from intellectual reasoning, we also have emotions and that these emotions can also dictate us on how we are going to act. Whether we act from duty or we act in accordance with duty as directed by self-interest which is controlled by emotions, our action can both have moral worth. Thus, in summary Kant had contributed a view about the reason for one’s act in terms of the assessment of the action. However, it is limited and there must be other factors to be considered in assessing the moral value of one’s act, in which his theory must contain. Works Cited Abbott, T. K. (1907). Immanuel Kant Duty Is Prior to Happiness. Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals. Retrieved November 22, 2007 from http://books. google. com/books? id=Y2oIobRXrWIC&pg=PA92&ots=lqnR0qrkHw&dq= On+the+Va lue+of+Acting+from+the+Motive+of+Duty,&ei=wT9FR63gI4KktAPBgYXbBg&sig=Z8 QYGzRw_L9lc eC8Xkj1_JOZjKA Herman, Barbara, (1981). On the Value of Acting from the Motive of Duty. The Philosophical Review. Volume 90, No. 3 pp 359-382. Retrieved November 22, 2007 from http://links. jstor. org/sici? sici=0031- 8108(198107)90%3A3%3C359%3AOTVOAF%3E2. 0. CO%3B2- B www. ipfw. edu. (n. d. ). Retrieved November 22, 2007 from http://209. 85. 173. 104/search? q=cache:_3cincyqJb0J:www. ipfw. edu/phil/faculty/Esteve z/Kant. ppt+Duty+and+Reason-+immanuel+Kant&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=1&gl=us www. philosophypages. com. (n. d. ). Kant: The Moral Order. Retrieved November 22, 2007 from http://www. philosophypages. com/hy/5i. htm.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Landslide Limo

Compensation and Benefits strategy The key to success in the long run for your limousine company is to be at or above the national average for small business when it comes to benefits and compensation. Through research we have found that on average 54% of companies with less than 100 employees offer medical coverage for full time employees. This is the first key to acquiring topnotch experienced workers and keeping them with the company for an extended period of time. Average salary for an experienced chauffeur/limousine driver ranges from he low end of $22,000 to a high of around $38,000 in the Austin area.If your company can offer a better medical benefits package I think it may give some leeway in the starting salary Of new drivers, along with those with more experience. Three main components to consider when deciding on compensation for your employees are; the position, experience level, and customer satisfaction. As far as wages are concerned the main law that your company has t o be aware of is the Fair Labor Standards Act. This sets the federal minimum wage and the overtime requirements for your employees. Your company has to provide at the lowest and hourly rate of $7. 5 and time and a half for any hours worked over 40 hours during one workweek. (U. S. Dept. Of Labor, 2009) Employees with little to no experience can start off at $22,000 to $23,500. Starting those with all the required credentials (CDC, training, driving experience) higher because they will need no training or certification and are basically ready to begin work once hired. Your company should also consider yearly salary increases to employees who have excelled in customer service ND fulfilling their job duties.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Kamprad’s Resourcefulness: Ikea

1. Kamprad’s careful stewardship of resources exemplifies his abilities as a manager. By practicing frugalness and economy, he was able to maximize profits by keeping costs low while also being able to continually innovate his growing company. While to some he may appear frugal, he has created a nest egg for economic downturn and well as creating a strong ethic of financial stewardship within his organization. Planning and problem solving became both the framework for IKEA and its source for innovation.As a leader, Kamprad again instilled his own personal values into every fiber of IKEA. Effective cost cutting, hard work, and dedication. Aside from just cutting costs however, being influenced by the Bauhaus movement he also wanted to combine cost saving with a sense of style. (Chaundey, 2000) In addition, the welfare of his employees has been a main concern. (Nelson and Quick, 2011) I believe that Kamprad was (and is) a strong leader and manager for IKEA, and I believe that th ese principles will be carried on in his sons to future success in the marketplace. 2.The followership of employees within IKEA can be directly linked to the Leadership Grid in Fig. 12. 1. (Nelson and Quick, 2011) From the structure of the grid, Kamprad would be a 9,9. Kamprad’s leadership style calls upon and motivates the team members within the company to take initiative and a personal stake in the company. They are hiring not just into a job but into a lifestyle and way of thinking. The combination of careful stewardship with concern for employee welfare creates an environment that gives employees both a responsibility and a sense of community. Etzioni, 1960) Thus IKEA employees are empowered and feel like they are part of something. In this way IKEA ends up with a staff of active independent, critical thinking individuals. (Nelson and Quick, 2011) This overall will drive employees to greater creativity and productivity for the company they care for and cares for them. 3. The case does not give specifics about Kamprad’s actions as a transactional leader, although the narrative would lead one to believe that they style would be uncharacteristic of him. Although Kamprad’s traits as a transformational leader are unquestionable.Kamprad has given employees not just a goal but a way of living. (Davis, 2006) Kamprad himself dresses simply, eats at cheap restaurants and flies economy class. (Chaundey, 2000) Kamprad innovated and redefined ways of doing business repeatedly throughout his tenure as CEO of IKEA. From the mission statement of ‘create a better everyday life for the many people’, IKEA has been built upon a pioneering spirit. (Gowan, 2009) By designed a business plan that allowed IKEA to work directly between manufacturers and customers to keep costs low. ibid. ) By designing the flat boxes and shipping furniture to customers that they assembled themselves, Kamprad has been able to keep cost down. It is these business te chniques along with his uncompromising ethics that he has instilled into the company and led it to greatness. Kamprad’s charisma is a quiet sort largely involving a ‘lead by example’ technique. Employees are drawn to Kamprad because of his strong ethics and personal adherence to them. Kamprad’s philosophy is not just words at board meetings but the way he lives his life.This gives employees a stronger sense of connection with the boss, as he is still very close to his modest roots. The lack of title and privilege within IKEA also reinforces this. (Davis, 2006) References Chaundy, Bob (2000) IKEA’s self-assembled billionaire. BBC News. July 28, 2000 Retrieved from news. bbc. co. uk Davis, Paul (2006) Billionaire Attributes – Modesty: Ingvar Kamprad, Ikea’s Founder and Owner. Retrieved from ezinearticles. com Etzioni, Amitai (1960) Two Approaches to Organizational Analysis: A Critique and a Suggestion.Administrative Science Quarterly, Vo l. 5, No. 2 Gawor, Katarzyna; Halasova, Sona; Polzin, Friedemann (2009) International Business Strategy of IKEA – Activities of the Multinational Furniture Retailer. University of Economics Bratislava Nelson, D. & Quick, J. (2011). Organizational Behavior: Science, the RealWorld, and You. (7th Ed. ) Mason, OH: South Western. Cengage Learning. Etzioni, Amitai (1960) Two Approaches to Organizational Analysis: A Critique and a Suggestion. Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol. 5, No. 2 Retrieved from www. amitaietzioni. org

Analysis of First Love by John Clare

First love is a poem, which encapsulates the experience the poet has falling in love for the first time. It is rejoicing the love he attained for a woman named Mary Joyce however there is sadness and a feeling of dissatisfaction hovering in the background. This feeling exists, as the love was unrequited. The poem has an underlying tone of innocence and flurry of emotions as it is the poets very first attempt at love exhibiting his feelings for Mary. The opening of the first stanza only shows how sudden and unexpected the feeling was as he was never ‘struck before that hour’. This is followed my sibilance alliteration ‘ so sudden and so sweet’ further emphasizing on the shock and bewilderment of the overwhelming feeling confirming it is a new experience. He uses his ‘heart’ as a symbol that she has ‘stolen’ completely ‘away’ however unknowingly. The paragraph continues to describe how he physically felt ill as his ‘face turned pale a deadly pale’. Generally when a person falls in love the first instinct is that the ‘blood [is] rushed‘ to the face, which occurs as a latter reaction. This could be because he probably already sensed that the love could not be returned as he didn’t say anything to her instead he hoped that his eyes would convey the message ‘words from my eyes did start’. He never came close to even touching or talking to her however the line ‘all seemed to turn to clay’ conveys the strong affection he attained for her. He also shows how the woman is in control of their (hallucinated) relationship as she could mould and re-mould him as per her wish. In the second stanza he goes on to describe more of his emotions brought forward by this interaction. He makes it quite visual for us of how the love has its affect on him and how he flushes with embarrassment so much that for a moment he feels blind. The physical impact of love relates the experience of love and loss. His life, his emotions were all now just focused on this one girl so much so that it ‘seemed midnight [to him] at noonday. This stanza ends on a very sad but dramatic note when he says that ‘blood burnt around my heart’ because he was in terrible pain emotionally as well as physically. The pace of the poem is however slows down in the last stanza. The poet seems depressed that the love he encompasses for Mary will never be fulfilled. The stanza begins with the poet asking rhetorical questions. In the first question he refers to flowers again like in the first stanza when he says ‘her face bloomed like a sweet flower’ it shows how innocent the love is and as they were never in physical contact even virginity. Also Clare admits that him and Mary could never be together as shown forth by the comparison of ‘flower’ and ‘winter’. According to him it will be as hard for their relationship to bloom as it would be for a flower in winter and slowly it will wilt and die. The second question shows his desperate depression. It clearly implies love as cold, deceitful and to be treated with caution. But he himself dove into it and continually obsesses about her. Love has a very strong physical impact within his body. These new feeling seem to have shaken him with surprise. The line ‘my heart has left its dwelling place’ exhibits the sense of loneliness and desertion that he feels. It includes rhetorical questions such as â€Å"are flowers the winters choice? † and I†is love;s bed always snow? † the reference to flowers takes us back to the simile in the beginning of the poem where the blooming of her face is compared to that of a flower suggestive of the blossoming of his love for her . it is in sharp contrast to the second reference of the flower which can only wilt and die in winter rather than blossom suggesting the lack of any possibility of the two coming together. Also read: In Exile Poem Analysis Arthur Nortje He refers to her face blooming like a sweet flower signifying the blossoming of his love which contrasts with the second reference to the flowers which is compared to winter suggests the lack of any possibility of them coming together just as the flower. the second question shows his desparate depression implying that love is cold deceitful and to be treated with caution . having drowned him in her live now it seems impossible for him to come out of it as my heart has left its dwelling place there is a sense of loneliness and the desertion that lurks towards the end of the poem making the reader to almost empathize with the poet. We are made to go through the experience and as the poem uses a diary form, it almost appears as if the poet is pouring his heart onto the paper. This is what makes the poem stand out as one can really suffer with him. He uses similes ‘her face bloomed like a sweet flower’, metaphors ‘my life has turned into clay’, alliterations such as ‘so sudden so sweet’ and realistic and effective images to make that possible. The rhyming structure of the poem is AB-AB-CD-CD. In each paragraph his feelings keep developing and we are made to witness this experience. The realistic images the poem has, helps the reader to understand the physical effects of being in love. The love he has was the sweetest, noblest and deepest love he has witnessed in his entire life so much so that it later drove him to insanity. Therefore more than first love I would consider it to be his true love. I feel as if the poet has been successful in conveying the impact of his emotions throughout this poem.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Alistairs Heroism

Alistair suddenly woke up. He looked around. No He may have sworn to say what heard. He must have dreamed. When Alistair listened to it again, he was preparing to fall asleep again. This is a bit silly. Alistair got up from his cold mat as his bed. He has to find something about it. He wears a dirty patchwork cloak and passed the door of a crackling sound. His owner Torbin did not even notice his absence. Alistair quickly ran to the bush where he heard the noise. This week's geospatial Friday, we will enter space through British Guildford to meet Alistair Maclenan. Alistair is the founder of QuarryOne Eleven, a geographical B2B marketing agency, and is the president of UK GeoForum. As a very active participant in the UK geospatial community, Alistair recently wrote an excellent article emphasizing one of the main strengths of integration in Europe. On June 23, the British citizen will answer the question Is the UK a member of the EU or will you leave the EU? This is their first chanc e to decide their membership since 1975 when Britain participated in the then general market at the time and made the last referendum. This is not the first threat to the EU in the near future - Greece almost went to the door last year Mike Todd McKay Mike Todd McKay Mike Todd McKay Mike Todd McKay Mike Todd McKay Mike Todd McKay Mike Todd McKay Mike Todd McKay Mike Todd McKay McLean Alistair McLean Alistair McLean Alistair McLean Charles McLean Moira McMillan Bonnie MacMillan Macrone Michael Madden Chris Carson Madgulkar Vyangicz Machalkar Vyankatesh Madhavan from the storage Maconie Stewart Dr., Cavery restaurants Madhavan Meenakshi Reddy Madhavan Meenakshi Reddy Madonna magazine Pradeep Magic School Bus Magic School Bus Magic tree House Magic Magic Tree House Magic Tree House Magic Tree House Magic Tree House Magic Tree House Magic Tree House Magic Tree House Magic Tree House Magic Tree House Magic Tree House Magic Tree House Magic Tree House Magic Tree House Magic Tree House Mag ic Wood House Magical Tree House Magical Tree House Magical Tree House Magical Tree House Magical Tree House Magic Tree house magic tree house magic tree house magic tree house A sword of tungsten from Vienna led Amy, Dan and Nelly to Japan and found a clue related to Japanese samurai Toyotomi Hideyoshi. In cooperation with Alistair Oh and Kabras, three went to Korea who lived at Alistair's home. Alistair's secret library book took them to a hill called Pukhansan. The team found the entrance to the cave to hide the treasure of Hideyoshi and gold which is the third clue. Dan decoded the puzzle and deceived the Cabras, the Cablus escaped and sealed the rest of the cave. After escaping, Dan, Amy, Nelly visited Egypt as suggested by the puzzle.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Leadership Vision and Strategic Direction Coursework

Leadership Vision and Strategic Direction - Coursework Example The researcher states that for overall organizational growth, the company and its leaders must bear in mind the hardships that come with long-term visions, resulting from the existence of uncertainty in the future. In his article, Brecken acknowledges the presence of ambiguity in all visions that dwell on the organization’s future. He states that there lies a lot of vagueness that hampers the leaders’ will to set long-term organizational goals, due to the fear that they may not achieve it owing to the changing environment. Such fears may be in some way considered helpful but largely amount to organizational failure. In the article, the author acknowledges the existence of these fears and their role in the organization. Brecken states, â€Å"But what will the future hold for those who fail to consider it?†. The question proves that the author considers the ambiguity of the future and helps the reader to use it for his or her gain. With the anticipation that change s can occur in the future, leaders can set their priorities right to maximize productivity. Management consultants posit that leaders assume a critical role in a company's development. It is their anticipation of the company’s growth that results in the achievement of the set objectives. Without the leader’s vision for the organization, the possibility of failure and lack of goal achievement is extremely high, therefore holding a dangerous future for the organization. Brecken focuses on the need for a visionary leader in an organization prospecting to succeed in the future. The leader is the pillar of the organization, and his or her view of the company is possibly its reflection in the upcoming. A futurist leader, therefore, holds the company’s vision in place and ensures that all the employees steer their efforts towards goal achievement within the set time range.

Monday, August 12, 2019

What Causes Market Inefficiency (microeconomics) Assignment

What Causes Market Inefficiency (microeconomics) - Assignment Example Market failures, like most market functions, are about information. Markets work the best when they use prices to signal information to producers and consumers the social cost of an item, and allow them to choose among the best options using this information. When markets cant do so, they fail. One of the worst types of market failure is the externality. â€Å"An externality is an impact of an economic transaction that falls on someone outside the transaction. The nice smell of your neighbors barbecue is an example of a positive externality, and your insomnia when he buys new sub-woofers would be a negative one. These externalities are treated as rare occurrences in economic theory, but the reality is that external effects of our actions are everywhere† (Larson, 2009). Externalities in conventional economic theory are treated as a problem because they prevent producers and consumers from making efficient decisions: If a product made with more pollution costs less, then the society has to pay for pollution. But externalities have all sorts of other impacts. Financial externalities are to blame for the current meltdown: Companies like AIG externalized risk onto the rest of the economy. Global warming, pollution, habitat loss, species extinction, deforestation, and ind ustrial accidents hurting workers are all examples of externalities. Externalities, unfortunately, have an almost infinite number of sources. Any market that involves industrial production, for example, can have pollution as an externality. The same thing is true of any agricultural market that uses deforestation as a mechanism to gain real estate. If it is cheaper to overwork workers, or have them in unsafe conditions, even considering legal liability, then unsafe working conditions will be an externality caused by the expensiveness of safety mechanisms. And some industries make extensive money off of

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 35

Ethics - Essay Example One of the major ethical rules that managers must adopt is articulating their ethics code. This implies that leaders in an organization must define the key aspects that cover their ethical orientation. This implies that managers must come up with ethics code that indicates the behaviors that are acceptable or unacceptable in their organizations. In order for the ethics code to be effective in streamlining the conduct of the workers during their duties, it must come up with a well crafted code. Such a code should indicate what the employees and the managers should do as well as the situation in the work place if every one is operating at his or her best (Jayne, 2014). In the same way, ethics code must be treated as something vital for the success of a firm rather than indicating it as a strategy to satisfy individuals or firms that offer criticism. The code of ethics must be treated as one of the aspects in the organizational culture. During the hiring process, human resources managers must adopt ethical code. This implies that before the hiring process, prospective candidates must be provided by the code that acts as a guideline while undertaking their duties. For instance, new recruits should be invited by the managers to discuss on the various issues that is related to their personal ethics. One of the major strategies that hiring managers should adopt is to ask the prospective candidates specific questions that relates to their duties. On their part, the candidates should be provided with an opportunity to accept the code or give feedbacks on their effectiveness. After the hiring process, the employees should be provided with an extensive orientation that encompasses all the aspects of the ethics code. Existing and new employees must be provided with job descriptions that are in line with the code. This implies that managers must clearly indicate what the employees are supposed to

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Microeconomics - Entrepreneurship and Unemployment Essay

Microeconomics - Entrepreneurship and Unemployment - Essay Example Low entrepreneurship levels could also result from low levels of economic growth that are also symptomatic of high unemployment levels. Whereas unemployment has a significant influence on the rate entrepreneurial activity, Audretsch et al (2011: p32) also claim that entrepreneurship has an equally significant impact on unemployment because of the low rates of survival for entrepreneurial activity that limits the influence of entrepreneurship on unemployment. Therefore, there is ambiguity as to whether unemployment is related to increased entrepreneurship or whether unemployment and entrepreneurship are inversely related. As a result, it can be argued that unemployment causes an increase in entrepreneurship and self-employment uptake, while entrepreneurship may also cause unemployment (Faria, 2013: p289). The unravelling of the association between unemployment and entrepreneurship is essential because most policies are based on assumptions that fail to reflect such ambiguity, thus req uiring a robust economic analysis of the available policies. Sub-national governments like the Welsh Assembly Government have the capacity to design and implement policies that support self-employment and entrepreneurship, specifically in complementing the effects of national policies to reduce unemployment levels. While there are numerous policy programs that can be used in support of entrepreneurial activity to reduce unemployment in the South Wales Valleys, there are generally three forms of policies: entrepreneurial education and training; financial assistance; and consultancy, advice, and general assistance. Entrepreneurs in the South Wales Valleys who might want to set up a business may sometimes require advice on the best types of businesses to pursue, required formalities, management implications, and planning required. Indeed, according to Williams and Nadin (2012: p900), majority of people who want to be self-employed only vaguely conceive

Friday, August 9, 2019

Public relations news release Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Public relations news release - Assignment Example h almost 19 years of experience in the academia, impressed the Grove search committee enough to be considered eligible for deanship of the business school at Grove. While having served in different academic positions over the years including vice deanship at a business school, Suarez has never been the dean at any school before. â€Å"This is my dream job and there is no place I’d rather be than at one of the best institutions in the world,† Suarez added. Born and raised in Joplin, Suarez is a married man in his fifties and fathers two children. â€Å"We feel fortunate to be able to secure a person who is so highly qualified to lead our outstanding business program,† said Luke Hammer, 62, a former CEO at Logitech and the current president at Grove. â€Å"We expect great things from Carlos Suarez, and we know he’ll take us to new heights.† Grove College is a private college that seeks to equip its students with the skills and knowledge needed to excel globally. The nationally ranked business school at Grove offers degrees in finance, management, marketing and accounting among others, with a total current enrollment of 10,000 undergraduate and 2,000 graduate

International Marketing Mix Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

International Marketing Mix - Essay Example In case of the consumer base enjoyed by the company, there is a sharp segmentation in terms of the target group. The basic target group of the company includes people in the upper income group starting from the age of 30 and above. Further, the people who have retired and are in the age group of 50 and above, serve as a major source of profitability. Another important source of income for the product is the Internet. Therefore, the important element in the application of the entry point strategy for Tutbury’s is to recognise the age and income groups that predominantly define the demographics in India, before going on to carry out segmentation and reach suitability in terms of the marketing mix. In this case, the entry point strategy may be used as a preliminary process that will help develop the marketing mix. This entry point strategy has been defined throughout the paper in the various elements of the marketing mix so as to find a suitable base for segmentation and subseque nt brand positioning.Entry Point StrategyIn terms of the suitable model to be used for the development of a relevant marketing plan and strategy, we have made use of the International Market Entry Mode Strategy for this company. This strategy is ideal for those companies that wish to diversify geographically. (Walter et al, 1988) This strategy along with others that have to do with market segmentation and brand positioning for maximum customer satisfaction will be used in order to evolve a strategy that is best suited for the purpose.... This is the reason for choosing India as the country where a suitable marketing mix for a brand like Tutbury's will be suggested. Also, in this regard, the paper will carry out a discussion of Tutubury's current marketing and segmentation strategy in order to arrive on the aspects where the entry mode strategy can be introduced and defined to suit the consumer preference in India. About Tutbury's: Born and marketed during the 1920s to the 1960s, Tutbury's was named Thomas, Webb and Corbett to start with until it was known by its present name in 1984, owing to the spot of it factory which was in a 15th century village named Tutbury. 2006 saw a strategic move on Tutbury's part where its factory chose to be based at Stroke - on - Trent, instead of Tutbury's. The branding of Tutubry's has been largely based on norms that revolve around exclusivity and a certain amount of mystery with the nitty gritties of the company. The basic finding that this paper will work on is that Tutbury's has c apitalised on the lifestyles of a certain section of people so as to form a brand identity of its won. As far as the actual product is concerned, it is imperative to identify where its unique features lie. In this regard, Tutbury's is a product that works on the highest quality of glass which is produced primarily from a high standard of full lead crystal. This crystal has a crystal element that can be estimated at over 30%. In case of the consumer base enjoyed by the company, there is a sharp segmentation in terms of the target group. The basic target group of the company includes people in the upper income group starting from the age of 30 and above. Further, the people who have retired and are in the age group of 50 and above, serve as a major source of

Thursday, August 8, 2019

The ethics of whistle-Blowing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The ethics of whistle-Blowing - Essay Example These are people within the organization that see violations in business policies and report them to the relevant authorities. Many things are brought about by this behavior, ranging from honest business practices to mistrust among co-workers. There are certain considerations that have to be made when reporting malpractices in the business. Whistleblowing affects the way the business relates to its environment, and the way co-workers relate with each other. Whistleblowing is the act of reporting a malpractice, wrongdoing or risk to the police, employer, customer, or a regulator (Davis, 2006). There are many instances, such as these found in an article about ethics by Verschoor (2013). An example of a case found in the article is one where an employee reported his employer for malpractices. In New York, Mohanbhai Ramchandani reported his employer and celebrity tailor Ramchandani for not reporting all of his profits in sales and taxes. According to Verschoor (2013), the employee was paid $1.1 million dollars for whistleblowing. Based on the analysis of this case, whistleblowing was the correct decision. This is because no one else can identify fraud apart from the people in the organization (Bouville, 2007). There could be acts involving corruption affecting, honest business practices that go against the law. Therefore, it is necessary for people to monitor business practices and report unhealthy business forms. The act of whistleblowing is an act involving business ethics that has its benefits and demerits (Davis, 2006). A benefit of whistleblowing is that it protects investors of businesses from people that look to mismanage money for their own benefits. Unsuspecting customers also benefit from people who report malpractices in business. For example, a whistleblower protects patients from a doctor who overcharges for services and uses questionable means in administering

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Renaissance Medicine and Medical Practices Essay Example for Free

Renaissance Medicine and Medical Practices Essay In the beginning of the Elizabethan Era medicine was the beginning of advancements. During the Renaissance, disease was a big problem. Medicine was not as advanced as it is today, but being discovered from witchcraft and superstitions, to cures for the sick. Medicine was not advanced then so the citizens looked for cure from the witches and their beliefs just led them to their deaths. Religious citizens prayed, or consumed blood from someone else as they believed to contain the soul of the deceased. â€Å". octors sought for explanations [for illnesses] in the stars rather than in the blood stream and preferred magical to clinical experiment. † (Netzley 70). They believed the illness or sickness was spiritual rather than from the body. Superstitions were a big thing in this era. Black Death a plague that spread in Florence in 1348 was believed to be punishment from God. As medicine was being discovered the new knowledge was slowly being accepted by the citizens. Medicine discovered by the Europeans was not as accurate though. As time passed, medicine was then based on Aristotle ideas; on four humors in the body. They are blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile; which determine the imbalance and were thought to be related to their personality. Leonardo Da Vinci had sketched accurate anatomies at which influenced medicine studies. that his ideas were familiar to the scientific environment in which he found himself, the likelihood is that Leonardos thoughts was important landmark in the development of scientific ideas, (Walker 94). Eventually the Hippocrates studies were discovered, they had lived in B. C. era. Their studies were used for comparison at which proved their discoveries and solutions wrong and the Hippocrates were very accurate as they had sketched the structures and their thoughts on how the human body functioned which led them to new discoveries. There were many medical practices that were believed to cure the person and in contrary some made them more sick or led them to death, Bloodletting was a popular practice done at which they would cut the patients artery on their arm or sometimes both arms, and were bled until they felt drowsy which was consider to be when the felt better. This practice sometimes was done too often the patient would simply die of lack of blood supply. The medical practice of the four humors determined imbalance in patients. In order to diagnose the doctors would check patient’s pulse and urine; looking as color and smell. The remedy or are used where herbs and spices. Spices were believed to balance the humors rated on a scale from hotness, coldness and wetness. Renaissance doctors . . . . . followed the traditional herbal medicine practiced throughout the Middle Ages† (Walker 96). Most common used herb was the theriac for medicinal recipes, an antidote for poison. Cinnamon and pepper were two spices commonly used and were rated hottest. Surgeries were not very popular and were rarely ever done, in small towns the barbers will be the surgeon as they couldn’t afford to pay a qualified doctor. Medicine advanced through the years till today, but the Renaissance era seemed to be the discovery of new medicine that help cure the sick. Never less did they learn more about the human and animal body but discovered diseases and several cures for them.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Sinner in the Hands of an Angry God Essay Example for Free

Sinner in the Hands of an Angry God Essay Consider the fearful danger you are in; it is a great furnace of wrath, a wide and bottomless pit, full of the fire of wrath, that you are held over in the hand of that God, whose wrath is provoked and incensed as much against you, as against many of the damned in Hell. You hang by a slender thread, with the flames of divine wrath flashing about it, and ready every moment to singe it, and burn it asunder; and you have no interest in any mediator, and nothing to lay hold of to save yourself, nothing to keep off the flames of wrath, nothing of your own, nothing that you ever have done, nothing that you can do, to induce God to spare you. The sovereign pleasure of God, for the present, stays his rough wind; otherwise it would come like a whirlwind, and you would be like the chaff of the summer threshing floor. 1. Explain the mood of this passage. The mood is Somber and Serious. 2. Using specific examples, give one example of a metaphor, one example of a simile, and one example of an allusion that Edwards uses in this passage from the sermon to elicit this particular mood. A Great furance of warth like a whirlwind the summer threshing floor 3. What specific words (minimum of three) does he choose to make his tone clear? Danger, Wrath, Damned in hell 4. What images (pictures in the listeners mind) does Edwards use in the passage to make his tone clear? What effect do those images have on establishing the tone of the piece? Gods Rough Wind- Tone is Serious 5. In the last two paragraphs of the sermon Edwards talks about an extraordinary opportunity his congregation has. What is this opportunity? How does his sermon persuade the congregation to take advantage of this opportunity?